Monday, November 21, 2011

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to Handle Difficult Behavior of 5-6 Year Old Children

!: How to Handle Difficult Behavior of 5-6 Year Old Children

Taking care of children ages 5-6 can be the most fun, amazing, confusing, and difficult time of your life. Children of this age are stuck somewhere in between a pre-schooler and a school-aged child. They still need help with some things, but are completely self sufficient with others. Most children of this age are starting kindergarten and may be away from their parents for the first time in their lives. Everything is new and things are quickly changing during this age.

Some parents are shocked to see that their once calm and collected toddler has now become a difficult 5-6 year old. Parents become stressed and do not know how to handle this behavior. There are many things that parents can do to handle the difficult behavior of a 5-6 year old.

First, they should learn the setting in which the child is becoming difficult. Are they refusing a nap/rest time? Do they not share with their peers? Is bedtime a struggle? No matter what the situation that is making the child difficult, it is important to zone in the setting. This will help with problem solving.

Once you know at what time the child is being difficult, parents should then learn how to discipline. Some parents believe spanking is best and some believe in instituting a time-out. Other parents take away privileges when the child is being difficult. Quite honestly, all these strategies mentioned above are ineffective discipline techniques.

The last thing to remember is to listen to the child and give them undivided attention. Children between the ages of 5-6 have a lot of changes and may need some extra attention and love. Parents should remember to be consistent and definitely do not give up!

How to Handle Difficult Behavior of 5-6 Year Old Children

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

5 Questions to Ask About Your 401k

!: 5 Questions to Ask About Your 401k

If you are counting on your 401k plan for retirement - beware! The current financial crisis and stock market collapse are troubling enough, but what many retirement savers don't know is that their 401k plans may not be up to the task.

401k's have become the predominant retirement funding tool in the U.S. Twenty-five years ago. traditional defined benefit pensions were the primary type of retirement plan covering more than 60% of the workforce that had pension plan coverage. Today, defined contribution plans (mostly 401k) are the primary retirement plan for 63% of the covered workforce. Only about 17% of the covered workforce remains in traditional pension programs.

For the worker, this has meant a seismic shift in responsibility: where once the employer was responsible for seeing that workers contributed to the pension and that pension investments performed well enough to provide promised benefits, in the DC world, 401k planning responsibilities fall on squarely the worker. The best 401k plan sponsors provide generous matches, strong retirement/investment education support and other plan features to help out. Workers who take full advantage of these plans stand a good chance of accumulating adequate retirement savings.

But for many others, their 401k is a minimal retirement plan that offers only a weak chance of providing a decent stream of income to workers when they retire.

How do you know how your 401k plan compares? Here are five benchmark questions to guide you.

Does Your 401k Have an Employer Match? Employers are not required to match employee contributions. But the best 401k plans do match. Employer matching features are key to assessing the quality of a 401k plan. It is much more difficult for workers to accumulate adequate retirement savings with a 401k plan that lacks an employer match. For example, a 30 year-old earning ,000, contributing 8% (with a 50% employer match-up to 6%) and earning an 8% annual return will have 38% more in retirement savings at age 65 than the same employee with no employer match. What is the level of your 401k plan's employer match? The most common matching level, according to Hewitt Associates, is Body.50 employer for each .00 employee contribution, up to a maximum of 6% of pay. Think of the employer match as an immediate, risk-free return on your investment (ROI). Regardless of the level of your plan's match, you should always contribute enough to get the maximum possible match. The higher the maximum employer matching contribution, the greater the opportunity you have to leverage contributions and build a retirement nest egg. According to the Profit Sharing/401k Council of America, the average employer match is 3%. Less than 5% of plans match more than 6% of compensation. Does your 401k investment menu include low-cost, broad-market index funds for stocks, bonds and international investments options from one or more large and reputable mutual fund firms (e.g. Vanguard, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, T. Rowe Price, etc.). Prudent investing in index funds is almost always the most cost-effective long-term strategy for 401k participants. Large, well-run index funds from reputable mutual fund firms have very low expenses so that the money you and your employer contribute goes to work for your retirement instead of going to pay fees and costs associated with so-called "actively managed" funds. Mounds of academic research show that over the long-run, index funds outperform actively managed funds. If your 401k plan doesn't offer quality index fund options, it is a serious shortcoming. Do any of the investment options under your plan include sales charges (such as front or backend loads, deferred sales charges or redemption fees)? There are plenty of excellent no-load funds available in every category of investments. If you plan includes investment funds with sales charges or loads, you're likely paying that are higher than they should be. Check if your plan automatically enrolls new employees in the 401k plan (unless they specifically opt not to enroll)? Automatic enrollment is a relatively new 401k feature intended to increase 401k participation particularly among younger workers and other groups who may not recognize the importance of retirement savings. Research shows that for participants with incomes under ,000, 401k participation increases from 44% to 86% with automatic enrollment. For participants age 25-34, participation increases from 56% to 86%. Presence of an automatic enrollment feature is a good indicator that your employer is serious about helping workers save for retirement.

There are, of course, many other questions and issues that can be raised with regard to the overall quality of a 401k plan. These five questions are a basic guide. For a more thorough assessment, you can use this 401k plan assessment tool. Don't be afraid to ask your company's human resource department for help in getting answers. It is your future retirement at stake and letting the company know the quality of the 401k plan is a priority is a message worth sending.

5 Questions to Ask About Your 401k

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Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Generate a Thousand Word Article in Fifteen Minutes or Less

!: How to Generate a Thousand Word Article in Fifteen Minutes or Less

Using Free Writing

First, go to your writing place or writing space. Get comfortable, get ready and set a timer or alarm for five minutes. Viewing a high-impact, graphic, photo, video or image to jump-start you to begin pouring out your personal:

o thoughts

o ideas

o feelings

o memories

o quotes

o comments

o problems

o complaints and gripes

o opinions

o questions

... by free writing them onto the printed page or computer screen.

It's Important Not To

For this technique to work most effectively it's very important that you:

o Don't stop until the time is up

o Don't edit what you write

o Don't re-write any words, phrases or sentences

o Don't spell check any words

... and never you mind the grammar for now. You'll get to that later.

Just free write whatever pours through the floodgates of your mind. If you free write for as little as fifteen minutes, you'll have a tremendous head start on producing an article or two in short order. Steve Manning, author of "How to Write a Book on Anything in 14 Days or Less" writes that most people can produce around two thirds of a page of free writing in just five minutes using only three keywords.

Then, when the first five-minute timed segment is finished, stand up. Stretch, take a few deep breaths, smile, and congratulate yourself. Now sit your butt back down, set the timer for five minutes and free write again.

Next, prepare a third and final segment of free writing using all the same criteria as with the first two free writing sessions. You should be much more relaxed and comfortable in doing this third free writing session after completing the first two successfully.

After that, when you've finished the third free writing session, go back and get a word count. This is simple enough when using MS Word for example, as you can go to the toolbar at the top of the screen, select "Tools", then "Word Count" and then "Count Words". The total word count will be shown. You should have anywhere from six hundred to nine hundred or a thousand words written. If not, you can always tack on another five-minute free writing session or two to get up to the word count you need.

The Final Clean Up

Finally, you can go back over your writing. Organize it into a coherent article. You can also do your spell and grammar checks if necessary. And if you want to touch it up or re-write a bit, then feel free to go ahead and do so. In less than half an hour, more or less, you should have two or three articles in the bag. Now that didn't hurt a bit, did it?

How to Generate a Thousand Word Article in Fifteen Minutes or Less

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Oblique: a radically different form of creating AJAX applications

Oblique: a radically different form of creating AJAX applications Video Clips. Duration : 56.38 Mins.

Google Tech Talk 28th July 2010 Submission of Abstract Hevery Misko. Oblique teach your old browser new tricks. That 's what HTML would have been if it had been designed for creating web applications. Oblique is radical because it eliminates boilerplate code with declarative syntax and imperative. Obliquely: * You can custom HTML elements and attributes that describe the dynamic behavior of * Declarative Web applications to create offerings with a little JavaScript. * Create aEnvironment that offers trivially reusable widgets, data binding, automatic MVC, server resources and other useful primitives for building AJAX applications. * Build applications that are written by orders of magnitude smaller than the traditional JavaScript applications in Classic mode. * Fixed the creation of waiting for changes to the UI.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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HUD FY 2012 Budget Rollout Tube. Duration : 79.32 Mins.

HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan discuss the HUD FY 2012 budget.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

LSJUMB - half Wasington

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U $ C show sux And now, back from listening to our advisers tell us the last time I do not freeze tag is an important, there is one thing, the only Turly Incomparable Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band ...! 1. Troy Ploy Throughout history, the Trojans have proven a powerful enemy. Your fat ego inflated self-importance to the presence of a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. However, a handful of powerful heroes over the centuries to show that no Trojan horsesinvincible. With a steady hand, a smart game plan, and a good dose of reduced expectations of even the most unlikely of people can become powerful conqueror. The band played "Stuff Like That" by Quincy Jones, the band TROY, changes mesh Jumbotron: 2 Trojan Horse after ten long years of relentless siege of the walls of Troy were the brave Greeks tired. When at last all seemed lost, dreamed up ingenious a most unlikely Odysseus. Side by side, the Greeks worked in secreta large wooden horse to build a supposed sign of their devotion. The knowledge of the Trojans would have blinded by their pride, Odysseus hid his most powerful warriors of the great wooden animal, the seeds of destruction of Troy. That night, with the horse within its walls, Troy has been to put the sword. The Trojans, it seemed, were as stupid as they were terrible. The band played "Battle without honor or humanity" by Hotei Tomoyaso The band does a horse's head Jumbotron "Trojan horse" 3 Trojan Condoms...

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

(Part Two) CT Attorney General candidate Martha Dean contacts Constitution Day Rally

(Part Two) CT Attorney General candidate Martha Dean contacts Constitution Day Rally Video Clips. Duration : 9.17 Mins.

Martha Dean, Republican candidate for Connecticut Attorney General speaks on Constitution Day Rally in Madison, Connecticut on September 17, 2010. To learn more about Martha and her campaign.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

History of Horology - Sundials to Atomic Clocks

Mankind has always been preoccupied with measuring and recording the passage of time. Timekeeping has been essential for the development of civilizations; from knowing when to plant or harvest crops to identifying important events in the year.

Time has historically been measured in relation to the movement of the Earth; a day, is one revolution of the planet; while a year is an entire orbit of the Sun. Calendars were developed from as far back as 20,000 years ago when hunter-gatherers scratched lines and gouged holes in sticks and bones to possibly count the days between phases of the moon.

Five Thousand Year Leap

Civilizations from the Ancient Egyptians to the Roman Empire have used differing methods to discover what day of the year it is. However, measuring time as it passed throughout the day had always proved difficult to early mankind. Sundials were perhaps the first time pieces and they can trace their origin back over five thousand years; when obelisks were built, possibly to allow the telling of time by the cast of their shadows.

History of Horology - Sundials to Atomic Clocks

However, the time told on a sundial was based on the movement of the sun in the sky, which would differ throughout the seasons and of course would not work on cloudy days or at night. Other methods such as water clocks or the hourglass would simply act as crude timers. Telling the time of day would prove difficult with people relying on comparisons as time references such as: "As long as it would take a man to walk a quarter mile."

People were reliant on these methods and others such as bell ringing to indicate important moments until the 14th century, when mechanical clocks first appeared which were driven by weight and regulated by a verge-and-foliot escapement (a gear system that advancing the gear train at regular intervals or 'ticks'). These clocks were far more reliable than sundials or other methods allowing accurate and reliable telling of the time of day for the first time in human history.

The next step forward in horology came in the 17th century when the pendulum was developed to help clocks maintain their accuracy. Clock making soon became widespread and it was not for another three hundred years that the next revolutionary step in horology would take place; with the development of electronic clocks. These were based on the movement of a vibrating crystal (usually quartz) to create an electric signal with an exact frequency.

While electronic clocks were far more accurate than mechanical clocks it wasn't until the development of Atomic Clocks and around fifty years ago that modern technologies such as communication satellites, GPS and global Computer networks became possible.

Most atomic clocks use the resonance of the atom caesium-133 which vibrates exactly at a frequency of 9,192,631,770 every second. Since 1967 the International System of Units (SI) has defined the second as that number of cycles from this atom which makes atomic clocks (sometimes called caesium oscillators) the standard for time measurements.

Atomic clocks are accurate to less than 2 nanoseconds per day, which equates to about one second in 1.4 million years. Because of this accuracy, a universal time scale UTC (Coordinated Universal Time or Temps Universel Coordonné) has been developed that maintains a continuous and stable time scale and supports such features as leap seconds - added to compensate for the slowing of the Earth's rotation.

However, atomic clocks are extremely expensive and are generally only to be found in large-scale physics laboratories. However, NTP servers (Network Time Protocol), the standard means for achieving time synchronization on Computer networks, can synchronize networks to an atomic clock by using either the Global Positioning System (GPS) network or specialist radio transmissions.

The development of atomic clocks, GPS and NTP time servers has been vital for modern technologies, allowing Computer networks all over the world to be synchronized to UTC.

History of Horology - Sundials to Atomic ClocksWhite House forum on intellectual property theft (Part 1) Tube. Duration : 101.68 Mins.

senior government officials, including Attorney General Eric Holder and the Minister for Internal Security Janet Napolitano hosted a forum on the protection of consumers against the Creator and the theft of intellectual property. 15. December 2010.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Business Survival in Today's Economy - From Processes to People to ROI

I was sitting in the office of the owner of a furniture company in Kansas City.  It was a medium-sized company - about 80 employees - and she had been telling me that their last round of layoffs was putting a lot of pressure on certain teams that had the same workload but less people to get it done.  I asked how she was dealing with that issue.

"Well," she said, "The vendors who sold us our credit application software just released a new version.  They gave us a demo last week, and we're going to upgrade.  It seems a little easier to use, and it has a couple of new reporting features that'll save us some time."

Five Thousand Year Leap

I nodded and asked, "How much does something like that run?"

Business Survival in Today's Economy - From Processes to People to ROI

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NEW in 2009! THE 5000 YEAR LEAP 30 Year Anniversary Edition with Glenn Beck s Foreword! NOW also includes Common Sense by Thomas Paine No other edition offers the revisions and updates of this remarkable book detailing how the Founding Fathers used 28 principles to create a 5000 year leap in freedom, prosperity, and progress; all based upon morality, faith, and ethics.

THIS BONUS EDITION INCLUDES: Common Sense by Thomas Paine, 101 Constitutional Questions To Ask Candidates, The US Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and Two landmark addresses by author Dr. W. Cleon Skousen never before offered in print.

Revised, 30 Year Anniversary Edition. During the last 26 years of Dr. Skousen's life he continued his extensive study of the constitution and founding values. He kept his original copy of The Five Thousand Year Leap with him and would write notes in the margins and on envelops and note cards of the refinements and updates he wished to add to the book. This new 30 Year Anniversary Edition includes those refinements and updates. Our gratitude goes out to the Skousen family for supplying us with this information to enable us to bring you this new edition.

The 5000 Year Leap will take you by the hand as you discover the ideals of the Founding Fathers and their 28 principles for success. The values explored in detail by Dr. Skousen range from the Founder's prerequisite that the Constitution was designed for a moral people, to a government empowered by the people with checks and balances, along with an understanding of the critical nature of fiscal responsibility and family values. This book sums up the secrets to what James Madison called a miracle.

"It's about 0 dollars a license, and we have about 30 analysts who use it."

"That's actually not too bad," I replied.  "I was expecting it to be several hundred dollars more.  If it does what you wanted and will save you enough time to justify the cost, you got a good deal."

"Well, that's per month," she said.

I paused for a minute.  I actually wanted to whistle, but I try not to react badly in front of business owners.

"So, that's 00 a month for this new software," I said, carefully.

"Yes," she said.  "I know it sounds like a lot, but I think the new features are going to be worth it.  It's not too much more than what we're paying now."

"Well, sure, you always have to run the numbers and make sure that sort of thing will save you enough time to earn you some money.  Let me ask you, though.  These analysts who have all this extra work you were telling me about, what sort of productivity improvement training are you sending them to?" I asked.

"Oh, well, we're not going to do something like that," she answered.  She even chuckled a little.

"If you don't mind me asking," I ventured, "why aren't you making that part of your plan?"

"We just can't afford to budget for training this year."

I just sat quietly for a moment.  She and I had worked together, before, and I knew I didn't need to say anything.  I didn't wait long.

"I know what you're going to say," she said.

"What am I going to say?"

"You're going to say that I'm spending five thousand dollars a month on software and no money at all on the people who'll be using the software, even though I'm asking them to do more work with less people."

"That does sound like something I'd say."  I started to smile a little bit.

"And this is where you'll take your notebook out and show me that I'll get more productivity per dollar if I invest in the people before I invest in their systems."

"That also sounds like me," I said.  "Do you really need me for the rest of this meeting?  You're doing fine all by yourself."

She chuckled and asked what the next step was.

"Well, let me ask you some more questions about this situation, and we'll get all the facts down, and we'll see if what you helped me say so well turns out to be right or not."

It never ceases to amaze me how much money companies will spend on equipment, software, buildings, services, and all sorts of things to raise revenues, lower expenses, and increase productivity.  Yet, they won't spend a single dollar on the people who are allegedly using all these things and driving all this productivity.

A CFO once told me that his company didn't think of people just as "company equipment." That's good, but the sad reality is that, for many companies, thinking of their people as equipment would actually be quite a step up!

If you get nothing else out of my little story, take this away: your biggest gains in profitability come from upgrading your people.  Other kinds of improvements are nickel and dime ROI compared to the results you'll get by increasing a person's performance, or a team's performance, or a manager's ability to get more out of her team.

If you want your business to survive, and even thrive, in an economy like this one, you have to intelligently plan your strategies and allocate your resources around what will give you the most return, and that is easily your employee base.  Improve that, and the effect on your bottom line will be amazing.

Business Survival in Today's Economy - From Processes to People to ROIPart 7 - Dave & Andrew leap year 5000-2 August 2010 Meeting Video Clips. Duration : 3.52 Mins. - Dave and Andrew to talk about a book by W. Cleon Skousen - A thousand five Leap enough! Join a Tea Party PATRIOT -

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